Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Let me reintroduce myself....

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted anything! Life has been crazy, blessed & crazy. A lot of you have encouraged me to write a blog, mainly about the hilarious things my daughter Ava says so I'm gonna do it here. I might post once a week, I might post 3x we'll see how the weeks go:) (As I was just typing that my son Cash puked on my bed ha!)

As an introduction to the hilarious things Ava says I'll share my all-time favorite Ava-ism:
Ava: "Mommy (everything she says starts with 'Mommy') I have 1, 2, boo-boos."
Me: "yes you do."
Ava: "So since I have 2 boo-boos we call them boobies now."

I will also post more about my (our) walk with Christ. Testimonies are ever-changing & I find it incredibly encouraging when I read other peoples' testimonies that they share along the way. So as God lays it on my heart, I will lay it on a post:)

I hope you enjoy the laughter that comes from our home & the love:D If I can pray for something specific for you don't hesitate to message me!

Love & laughter to you all!

P.S. Today, Ava is telling me I'm a genius every time I give her something to eat. The girl has wisdom:)

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